TRAIN PEOPLE well enough
so they can leave.
TREAT THEM well enough so
they don't want to.
Vincent van Gogh

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together”
Vincent van Gogh
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together”

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together”

Training for Greatness
We know Club training gets very expensive, we offer individualized online training for less than the cost of most babysitters !! Feedback has told us we have been more effective than most in person training as well !!
Here with French and Barcelona Soccer Star Antoine Griezmann enjoying a Dodger Game !
Training for Greatness
Bob Bradley's busy coaching LAFC !!

Your Elite Soccer Academy Trainer
Based in the greater San Fernando Valley area, I have been training athletes since 1994.
I strongly believe in being active, healthy and developing the proper techniques. I’m also extremely passionate about the game and ready to help you improve yours. I’ve been told I’m engaging, patient, and understanding. I give each player the individual guidance they need to exceed their potential. I am also a certified referee.
I played Soccer growing up before it's popularity grew to that of today. I spent 5 years, from 1976 to 1980 involved with the NASL professional Soccer League, names like Pele, Best, Beckenbauer, Cruyff, Banks, Marsh, Mueller, Moore, and so many others did their best to bring soccer to the forefront here in the USA.

Sport is in My Blood
Since 1994, I have been training athletes to reach their full potential. I am currently a Soccer Trainer in the Greater Los Angeles Area and via online classes, having worked with some of the countries top athletes. I am well known for helping young players reach new heights,
as well as for my calm, focused, and educational training style infused with occasional humor to keep things entertaining.




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I have Coached in the AYSO program for 30+ years,and I am an Advanced Coach Instructor and one of only 4 Section Level Coach Trainers teaching Advanced and Intermediate level certification classes to coaches desiring new higher level certifications.
I have also been Coaching multiple teams at Atletico LA Club for years, and at Cleveland Charter High School in Reseda for 12 seasons.
Section 10, with over 68,000 kids playing and 11, 000 coaches, Selected me as Coach of the year. Largely in part I believe because the kids always come first, as does development.
There will be a club and especially a High School season this year, and we must choose the safest option for our kids.
To that end, our training will be in person or online, with emphasis on skill development in a positive environment that is critical to our kids development and growth without compromising the Health or Safety of our kids.
Whether it's at Atletico with my Club team or privately through Elite Soccer Academy I am excited to continue training these wonderful young adults to reach their full potential without the negativity and pressures that normally permeate the club scene.
We also play close attention to additional player safety situations, such as limiting training to static exercises rather than dynamic during days of high heat or poor air quality from fire related smoke.


We have a program designed for indoor or outdoor training, so distance and/or inclement weather does not affect ongoing sessions and you can train from anywhere in the world, and any time of day or evening!!
We also customize sessions to individual players needs.
Progress over Perfection. !!!
Our Training is:
P ositive
I nstructional and
E ncouraging !!
Who doesn't like PIE ??!!

Ready to start training with Elite Soccer Academy? Contact Us today!